how to allow positive number in mui textfield in react js?
November 18, 2022Hi Friends 👋,
Welcome To aGuideHub! ❤️
To change allow positive number in mui textfield, set inputProps={{min:0}}
. It will not allow to user to enter any negative number in mui textfield.
Today, I am going to show you, how to allow positive number in mui textfield in react js.
Install the following packages to use mui textfield in react js.
npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled
yarn add @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled
MUI material textfield positive number example.
The below code is an example of making positive number using mui textfield.
import * as React from 'react';
import Box from '@mui/material/Box';
import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField';
import "./App.css"
export default function InputWithIcon() {
return (
<Box m={1}>
In the above code example, I have used the @mui/material
TextField component and allowed the user to enter a positive number in MUI Textfield.
Check the output of the above code example.
All the best 👍